M. Stranges
Time pattern of remittance behaviours in Italy
This paper intends to figure out why immigrants remit, what characteristicsthey have and, in particular, which of these individual characteristics influence (and inwhat sense) their propensity to remit. In particular, it intends to verify the existence of a"time effect" during the migration process. The time effect suppose that the propensityand the intensity of remittances becomes less consistent as far as the immigrantintegrates into the host country and the ties with the country of origin become lessintense. In practice, according to this hypothesis, the evolution of the migration plantowards stabilization in the new country, rather than to return home, would lead themigrant to invest mo…
Residential segregation of foreigners: an analysis of the Italian city of Palermo
Ethnic residential segregation in Italy is an emerging key question, which will be crucial in the definition and implementation of both urbanistic and social policies. This paper focuses on this phenomenon in the Italian city of Palermo. We use individual data for all the population residing in the city at 31 December 2011, organized by ethnicity and district. Firstly, we describe the spatial distribution and the residential segregation of foreigners in the city, applying many different segregation measures. Among the others, we also apply the Duncan and Duncan dissimilarity index. Finally, we apply a recent methodological approach, which allows reducing the bias of the Duncan’s index…
Rimesse e famiglia di origine: uno studio del comportamento degli immigrati in Italia
Ethnic segregation in a metropolitan area of Italy: the case of Palermo
La segregazione residenziale etnica in Italia è una questione emergente, che sarà fondamentale nella definizione e attuazione di politiche urbanistiche e sociali. Questo articolo si focalizza sull’analisi del fenomeno nel comune di Palermo. Utilizziamo i dati della popolazione residente in città nel 2011 in tutti i quartieri suddivisa per etnia. Facciamo dapprima ricorso a tecniche di analisi spaziale tradizionale al fine di descrivere la segregazione residenziale degli stranieri e, tra le altre misure, calcoliamo l'indice di dissimilarità di Duncan e Duncan. Successivamente, applichiamo un approccio metodologico recentemente proposto in letteratura che consente di correggere la distorsione…