Long-Term Results of Buccal Mucosa Onlay Grafts in Hypospadias Repair
Purpose Buccal mucosa onlay grafts are widely used in complex Hypospadias surgery. In a retrospective study we evaluated the long-term results in patients with a minimum follow-up of 5 years. Material and Methods All patients in who underwent buccal mucosa grafting for Hypospadias repair in our institution received a questionnaire and were invited for a follow-up visit. The questionnaire included two visual analogue scales (VAS) concerning the functional and cosmetic result (0 = very dissatisfied; 50 = satisfied; 100 = very satisfied). Results A total of 85 patients with a median age at the operation of 7.4 years (1 – 60 years) could be followed for a median of 8 years (5-16 years). In 36/8…