C. Santiesteban
Sedimentología y paleontología del yacimiento Finimioceno de La Portera (Valencia)
14 páginas, 8 figuras, 1 tabla, 1 lámina.
Ciclos pelíticos de bahía Interdistributaria del nivel intramareal inferior del grupo Roda-Oroel (sector occidental del paleodelta de Ager, Lérida)
The deposits of the ancient Ager deltaic system (Lérida, Spain) are characterized in some way by the existence of cycles constituted, in a large scale, by alternances of pelites and sandstone bodies. According to geological literature these deposits represent bay marls and stream-mouth-bars, in the eastern-most counterpart. In this area sorne pelitic sections show a pronounced cyclical pattern devoid to repetitions of two terms: A marly bioturbated one, and the other one, constituted by undisturbed delicately laminated clays. Part of the deposits of the "Intramarea1 Inferior" level (''Tramo Superior" of the Roda-Oroel depositional system) in the area comprised between La Régola cementery an…