In-tube solid phase microextraction coupled to miniaturized liquid chromatography for both, noble metal nanoparticle assessment and sensitive plasmonic assay development.
Abstract Colorimetric localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) as analytical response is applied for a wide number of chemical sensors and biosensors. However, the dependence of different factors, such as size distribution of nanoparticles (NPs), shape, dielectric environment, inter-particle distance and matrix, among others, can provide non-reliable results by UV–vis spectrometry in complex matrices if NP assessment is not carried out, particularly at low levels of analyte concentrations. Miniaturized liquid chromatography, capillary (CapLC) and nano (NanoLC), coupled on line with in-tube solid phase microextraction (IT-SPME) is proposed for the first time for both, controlling suitabili…