Precision measurement of the structure function ratiosF 2 He /F 2 D ,F 2 C /F 2 D andF 2 Ca /F 2 D
We present the structure function ratiosF2He/F2D,F2C/F2D andF2Ca/F2D measured in deep inelastic muon-nucleus scattering at an incident muon momentum of 200 GeV. The kinematic range 0.0035<x<0.65 and 0.5<Q2<90 GeV2 is covered. At lowx the three ratios are significantly smaller than unity and the size of the depletion grows with decreasingx and increasing mass numberA. At intermediatex the ratios show an enhancement of about 2% above unity for C/D and Ca/D, possibly less for He/D. There are indications of someQ2 dependence in the Ca/D data. The integrals of the structure function differencesF2A−F2D are discussed.