Valeria De Palo
The Italian version of the Cognitive Style Indicator and its association with decision-making preferences
By adopting a more flexible view, Cools and Van den Broeck (2007) developed the Cognitive Style Indicator (CoSI) which includes three cognitive dimensions: Creating (flexible, open-ended and inventive), Knowing (emphasizing facts, details, objectivity, and rationality), and Planning (guided by preferences for certainty and well-structured information). The first aim of this research was to validate the three factor structure of the CoSI within the Italian context, whereas the second was to verify whether cognitive styles, as measured by the CoSI, accounted for individual differences in decision-making processes. Two studies were conducted using two different samples (n = 549 and n = 397). C…
Do personality traits and self-regulatory processes affect decision-making tendencies?
Objective: This research attempted to clarify the role played by personality traits and self-regulated motivation in affecting decision-making tendencies. Method: Study 1 (n = 209) examined whether the Big Five personality traits predict minimising, maximising, and satisficing tendencies; Study 2 (n = 460) tested the mediating role of self-regulatory orientations in the relationship between personality traits and decision-making tendencies by performing structural equation modelling with latent variables. Results: Conscientiousness emerged as the strongest positive predictor of maximising, whereas openness to experience, conscientiousness, and agreeableness emerged as negative predictors of…
Measurement invariance of the nine-item Internet Gaming Disorder Scale (IGDS9-SF) across Albania, USA, UK, and Italy
The IGDS9-SF, which assesses Internet Gaming Disorder behaviors, has been validated in a number of countries (Portugal, Italy, Iran, Slovenia), although the psychometric equivalence of the instrument has been assessed only across Australia, the USA, the UK, and India. This research aimed at providing further cross-cultural insights into IGD by assessing the factorial structure of the IGDS9-SF in Albania and investigating its measurement invariance across Albanian, Italian, American, and British gamers. Multi-Group Confirmatory Factor Analyses were performed on a sample of 1411 participants from Albania (n = 228), USA (n = 237), the UK (n = 275), and Italy (n = 671). The CFAs confirmed the s…
Decisional Procrastination in Academic Settings: The Role of Metacognitions and Learning Strategies
Nowadays, university students suffer from a broad range of problems, such as educational underachievement or the inability to control themselves, that lead to procrastination as a consequence. The present research aimed at analyzing the determinants of decisional procrastination among undergraduate students and at assessing a path model in which self regulated learning strategies mediated the relationship between metacognitive beliefs about procrastination and decisional procrastination. 273 students from Southern Italy filled out a questionnaire composed by: the socio-demographic section, the Metacognitive Beliefs About Procrastination Questionnaire, the procrastination subscale of the Mel…
Autosabotaggio e procrastinazione: strategie di prevenzione del sentire mafioso
Nell’analisi della dispersione scolastica il fenomeno della procrastination è stato spesso sottovalutato. La nostra ricerca ha correlato i processi di selfhandicapping con quelli connessi all’abbandono del percorso di studio. La procrastination è stata studiata come processo di co-stante rinvio degli impegni scolastici e delle occasioni di recupero. Lo studio è stato condotto su di un gruppo di 956 studenti delle scuole superiori, distin-guendo due diverse aree: quella delle strategie di studio e di coping nella gestione delle prove scolastiche; quella delle relazioni sociali e delle priorità in esse. Queste variabili sono state correlate con il locus of control e con le strategie di self e…