Bjørn E. Munkvold
Defining the IT artefact in social media for eparticipation: An ensemble view
Published version of a paper from the European Confernece on Information Systems. Also available from the publisher: http://aisel.aisnet.org/ecis2012/175 Social media has become a popular outlet for various eParticipation activities, such as online campaigning by political parties. However, research so far has shown that political parties often have limited success with their efforts. Much is yet unclear as to the results and possible applications of social media use. This paper contributes to clarify the underlying concepts of social media, by analysing the social media IT artefact as a socio-technical object. We propose and define an ensemble view on social media use in eParticipation, an…
Virtual PhD courses – A new mode of PhD education?
Published version of an article from the proceedings of the NOKOBIT conference. Also available from Tapir:http://www.tapironline.no/fil/vis/1029 This paper presents experiences from a joint virtual PhD course for doctoral students at a Norwegian and a US university. Based on an experiential learning approach, the course focused on practices for virtual research collaboration. Through six synchronous online sessions, interspersed with interaction in sub-teams, the participants worked on developing a joint conference publication. This gave the PhD students first-hand experience with working in a virtual research team. Based on our analysis of the experiences from the course, we discuss challe…
Managing IT implementation in virtual enterprises
Konferansebidrag fra Engineering and Technology Management 1996 Vancouver. IEMC 1996 The paper presents a framework of factors influencing information technology (IT) implementation in virtual enterprises. The framework is based on previous research on IT implementation, and field studies conducted in virtual enterprises. The aim is to increase the understanding of the implementation process in this organizational context, and the framework is intended as a basis for developing strategies for successful management of this process
Experiences from global e-collaboration: Contextual influences on technology adoption and use
The article presents a cross-case comparison of experiences from organizational adoption and use of e-collaboration technologies in two large global companies. Challenges in the global implementation process were found to increase with the organizational and geographical scope of the implementation, level of autonomy in the adoption process, cultural diversity, technological heterogeneity, and level of work process support embedded in the system. Alignment with existing collaborative work practices resulted in faster adoption of the technological solution. Highly competitive conditions restricted the resources available for training and experience transfer between projects. Clients’ prefere…
Value creation in mobile tourism services : evaluating the value creation concerns of the Norwegian MOVE project
Sammendrag på norsk og engelsk. The report presents the results of the evaluation activity specified as part of the MOVE project, a three year innovation project funded by the Research Council of Norway and seven industry and university partners. The aim of this project has been to establish a location-based electronic marketplace, offering mobile tourism services. Several pilot services including a map-based interface providing tourist guide functionality to the mobile handset, a web based tool for service providers’ registration of points of interest (POI), and two “infotainment” services (picture puzzle and riddle) has been developed. The Lofoten area was chosen as the target region for …