E. La Rosa

Public Health physicians and empathy: are we really emphatic? The Jefferson Scale applied to Italian resident doctors in Public Health.

Large gaps in care quality resulting from ineffective communication between health providers, patients, and other health care organizations have been documented. Research suggests that effective, empathic communication positively influences health outcomes. Many studies focused on the assessment of clinicians empathy, while there is still a lack of evidence on the role and level of empathy for public health medical doctors,especially during their postgraduate education. The aim of this study was to assess empathy level of public health residents, and to investigate differences in empathy scores using a validated questionnaire. The Italian version of the Jefferson scale of Physician Empathy …

research product

Analisi sulle difformità dei percorsi formativi degli specializzandi di Igiene e Medicina Preventiva in Italia: le scuole di specializzazione sono in grado di formare pienamente gli specialisti in Sanità Pubblica del futuro?

Introduzione Il percorso formativo dello specialista in Igiene e Medicina Preventiva dovrebbe garantire adeguate conoscenze tecnico-scientifiche e professionali nei campi della medicina preventiva, della promozione della salute e della programmazione dei servizi sanitari secondo quanto indicato anche dal DM 285/2005. La Consulta degli Specializzandi, da sempre coinvolta in attività di monitoraggio della formazione a livello nazionale, si prefigge l'obiettivo di valutare l'omogeneità delle proposte formative tra le diverse sedi italiane, non solo per segnalare le criticità, ma anche per evidenziarne le opportunità. Materiali e Metodi Lo studio, di tipo cross-sectional, è stato condotto media…

research product

Object oriented methodology for change detection technique: the case of Scopello-Sicily

This paper describes a change detection approach based on an object-based classification of remote sensing data for the change detection. The history of urban growth and urbanisation reveals that urban areas belong to the most dynamic land cover types on earth. The trend of urban growth is usually towards the urban-rural fringe where there are less built areas, irrigation and other water management systems. Regardless of the regional economic importance, urban growth, particularly the expansion of residential and commercial land use towards the periphery of urban areas, has an impact on the ecosystem. It is evident that such trend of urban growth has an impact on natural resources and on la…

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