Manuel Martínez-quesada
Quantum Walk and Quantum Billiards. Towards a better understanding of Quantum Chaos
Quantum billiards have been simulated so far in many ways, but in this work a new aproximation is considerated. This study is based on the quantum billiard already obtained by others authors via a tensor product of two 1-D quantum walks . Chaotic and non chaotic billiards are tested.
Universal description of pattern formation in optical oscillators under bichromatic injection
We study pattern formation in a complex Swift–Hohenberg equation with phase-sensitive (parametric) gain. Such an equation serves as a universal order parameter equation describing the onset of spontaneous oscillations in extended systems submitted to a bichromatic injection when the instability is toward long (transverse) wavelengths. Applications include two-level lasers and photorefractive oscillators. Under such an injection, the original continuous phase symmetry of the system is replaced by a discrete one and phase bistability emerges. This leads to the spontaneous formation of phase-locked spatial structures, such as phase domains and dark-ring (phase) cavity solitons. The stability o…
Bistable phase locking in rocked lasers
Abstract We investigate analytically and numerically the dynamics of single mode lasers with periodic ac injection (rocked lasers). Such lasers show phase bistability as the phase of the light emitted by such lasers can lock to either of two values shifted by π. Locking regimes for different lasers are studied showing that the system response is strongly modified in class B lasers due to the influence of relaxation oscillations.
Phase-bistable pattern formation in oscillatory systems via rocking: application to nonlinear optical systems
We present a review, together with new results, of a universal forcing of oscillatory systems, termed ‘rocking’, which leads to the emergence of a phase bistability and to the kind of pattern formation associated with it, characterized by the presence of phase domains, phase spatial solitons and phase-bistable extended patterns. The effects of rocking are thus similar to those observed in the classic 2 : 1 resonance (the parametric resonance) of spatially extended systems of oscillators, which occurs under a spatially uniform, time-periodic forcing at twice the oscillations' frequency. The rocking, however, has a frequency close to that of the oscillations (it is a 1 : 1 resonant forcing) …
Bistable phase locking of a nonlinear optical cavity via rocking: Transmuting vortices into phase patterns.
We report experimental observation of the conversion of a phase-invariant nonlinear system into a phase-locked one via the mechanism of rocking [G. J. de Valcarcel and K. Staliunas, Phys. Rev. E 67, 026604 (2003)]. This conversion results in that vortices of the phase-invariant system are being replaced by phase patterns such as domain walls. The experiment is carried out on a photorefractive oscillator in two-wave mixing configuration.A model for the experimental device is given that reproduces the observed behavior.