Der solid pseudopapilläre Pankreastumor (SPT) – eine seltene Raumforderung der Bauchspeicheldrüse
BACKGROUND: In general, the rare SPT is a tumour of low malignancy predominantly affecting young women. The outcome after radical resection is favourable. In exceptional cases the tumour presents as solid pseudopapillary carcinoma (SPC) with typical malignant features and even metastases. Unresectable liver metastases can be treated with RFA, TACE or chemotherapy. METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed the surgical approach, immunohistochemistry and clinical outcome in five female patients (1998 - 2007). RESULTS: The mean age was 16 years (range: 13 - 47 years). For radical tumour removal a pancreato - duodenectomy (n = 3), a distal pancreatectomy (n = 1) and an enucleation (n = 1) were perfo…