B. Ong
Results of prototype studies for a spaghetti calorimeter
In the framework of the LAA project, prototypes for a new type of calorimeter, intended for the detection of both electromagnetic (e.m.) and hadronic showers, muons and missing energy (e.g. neutrinos) at high-luminosity multi-TeV pp colliders, were tested. The detector consists of scintillating plastic fibres embedded in a lead matrix at a volume ratio 1:4, such as to achieve compensation. The optimization of the construction of the detector modules is described, as well as the performance concerning e.m. shower and muon detection and e/π separation. We used electron, pion and muon beams in the energy range 10–150 GeV for this purpose. For the energy resolution of electrons we found 13%/trE…
Advances in Technology for High-Energy Subnuclear Physics. Contribution of the LAA Project.
Electron-pion discrimination with a scintillating fiber calorimeter
Abstract We report on an experimental study of a variety of techniques for discriminating between (isolated) electrons and pions in a lead and scintillating fiber calorimeter without longitudinal segmentation. Using information from the lateral shower development, from a pre-shower detector, from the time structure of the signals, or from a combination of these we measure pion rejection factors of up to several thousand while maintaining electron efficiencies of 95% or higher.