Euparyphium albuferensis and Echinostoma friedi (Trematoda: Echinostomatidae): Experimental cercarial transmission success in sympatric snail communities
Euparyphium albuferensis and Echinostoma friedi cercarial infectivity to four species of sympatric snails was exam- ined under single- or multiple-choice laboratory conditions to show the level of parasite-snail host compatibility. Radix peregra, Lymnaea fuscus, Physella acuta and Gyraulus chinensis act as second intermediate hosts of both parasite species although differ- ent cercarial transmission success (CTS) was observed. In single-host experiments, R. peregra and P. acuta showed a high de- gree of compatibility with E. albuferensis, while only P. acuta in the case of E. friedi. In two-choice snail communities, a snail with high CTS increased the values of another with low compatibilit…