ÁNgel Carrasco

Incompleteness and not just right experiences in the explanation of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.

In the past decade, not just right experiences (NJRE) and incompleteness (INC) have attracted renewed interest as putative motivators of symptoms in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), beyond harm avoidance (HA). This study examines, in 267 non-clinical undergraduates and 47 OCD patients, the differential contributions of HA, INC, and NJRE to the different OCD symptom dimensions and the propensity to have the disorder. The results indicate that although both the NJRE and INC range from normality to OCD, their number and intensity significantly increase as the obsessional tendencies increase, which suggests that they are vulnerability markers for OCD. Although they cannot be considered full…

research product

EsTOCma: An App to fight against stigma associated with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Introduction: Stigmatizing attitudes is a problem associated to mental disorders. In obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) stigma has been associated to shame, guilty and delay asking for help. Objective: To present the design of a mobile health application (app), named EsTOCma, with the objective to increase OCD mental health literacy, help seeking attitudes, and reduce stigmatizing/ self-stigmatizing attitudes and social distance associated with OCD in adult population (non-clinical and OCD population and their relatives). Method: Method: The requirements have been developed based on a literature review on mental health antistigma interventions, OCD stigma research, and serious games resear…

research product

La evaluación del perfeccionismo: utilidad de la Escala Multidimensional de Perfeccionismo en población española

La Escala Multidimensional de Perfeccionismo (MPS) de Frost et al. (1990) es uno de los instrumentos con más tradición empírica y mayor influencia en el estudio del perfeccionismo. El objetivo de este trabajo es traducir y validar la MPS para su uso en población española. Para ello, 434 participantes (77% mujeres; edad media: 23,38 años), completaron la versión española de la MPS junto con cuestionarios de obsesividad, trastornos alimentarios, y preocupaciones ansiosas, para evaluar la validez convergente de la MPS. El análisis de componentes principales (varianza explicada: 56%), reveló una estructura de 4 factores en lugar de los 6 originales: Miedo a los errores, Influencias paternas, Ex…

research product