Giorgia Costanzo

L’analisi dei microsatelliti nel condensato aereo polmonare di pazienti con patologie tumorali polmonari come nuova metodologia per la diagnosi precoce.

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Le nature del trucco. Forme e sostanze del make-up green

The paper examines the semiotic articulation of naturality through a structural analysis of green make-up packaging. The relations this universe establishes with its opposite, that of “traditional” make-up, find manifestation in the way the three visual strategies implemented by make-up brands and identified through the analysis enhance continuity or discontinuity with respect to this figurative universe. An attempt will be made to show the complex discursive construction of nature through often heteroclite discourses within which differentiated isotopes can be found. Still, besides being brand choices that differentially articulate the theme of nature from an aesthetic point of view, each …

research product

The Sea Urchin sns Insulator Blocks CMV Enhancer following Integration in Human Cells

Insulators are a new class of genetic elements that attenuate enhancer function directionally. Previously, we characterized in sea urchin a 265-bp-long insulator, termed sns. To test insulator activity following stable integration in human cells, we placed sns between the CMV enhancer and a tk promoter up-stream of a GFP transgene of plasmid or retroviral vectors. In contrast to controls, cells transfected or transduced with insulated constructs displayed a barely detectable fluorescence. Southern blot and PCR ruled out vector rearrangement following integration into host DNA; RNase protection confirmed the enhancer blocking activity. Finally, we demonstrate that two cis-acting sequences, p…

research product

Alice Giannitrapani (éd.), Foodscapes: cibo in città, Milan, Cartacea, 2021, 284 p.

Cela a dû arriver à tout le monde. À Paris, au pied de la Tour Eiffel en mangeant des macarons ou une crêpe sucrée, à Palerme, avec un « panino con le panelle » sur le rivage du village balnéaire de Mondello, ou encore à Amsterdam, en se promenant sur les canaux avec un cornet en papier rempli de chips ou à Berlin, avec une bière et un jarret de porc fumé parmi les tables d’un restaurant typique. Partout, la nourriture nous relie aux lieux que nous visitons car il est dans le sens commun que la visite d’une ville passe aussi par la dégustation des plats qui la caractérisent. Elle est au cœur, après tout, du tourisme œno-gastronomique : le tour du street food ou les forfaits gastronomiques d…

research product

Differential gene expression in p53-mediated G(1) arrest of human fibroblasts after gamma-irradiation or N-phosphoacetyl-L-aspartate treatment.

In human fibroblasts, N:-phosphoacetyl-L-aspartate (PALA) and gamma-radiation induce reversible and irreversible p53-mediated G(1) cell cycle arrest, respectively. By coupling the premature chromosome condensation technique to fluorescence in situ hybridization, we found no evidence of DNA damage after PALA treatment. We used representational difference analysis (cDNA-RDA) to study changes in gene expression after PALA treatment and gamma-radiation in normal human fibroblasts. The mammary-derived growth inhibitor (MDGI) gene was expressed in PALA-treated cells. Ectopic MDGI expression arrested PALA-treated but not irradiated RKO cells. Expression of an antisense RNA against MDGI resulted in…

research product


In this study we investigated the in vitro behaviour, morphostructure and extracellular matrix synthesis of human dental follicular stem cells (hDFSCs) isolated from human dental bud, which resulted to be positive for mesenchymal markers (CD29, CD90, CD146 and CD166) by FACS analysis. Cells were analysed by light and electronic microscopy to evaluate their biological response either at week 1, that is before differentiation, or at weeks 3-6, when they had been cultured in osteogenic medium onto a highly porous natural scaffold material (Bio-Oss). Microscopy analysis of primary culture cells showed they had a mesenchymal stem cell-like morphostructure, spindle shaped, similar to the culture …

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Radiologia e malattia celiaca dell'adulto

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In vitro Evaluation of DPSCs on Natural Bone Mineral Scaffold

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