G. Zatti
Phenotyping normal kidney function in elderly patients with type 2 diabetes: a cross-sectional multicentre study
AimsType 2 diabetes (T2D) accelerates the decline in glomerular function; however, some individuals do not develop chronic kidney disease despite advanced age and long-lasting T2D. We aimed to phenotype patients with T2D aged 80years or older who presented with a fully preserved kidney function.MethodsFrom an Italian population of 281,217 T2D outpatients, we collected data on demographics, anthropometrics, diabetes duration, HbA1c, fasting plasma glucose, lipids, liver enzymes, estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), albumin excretion rate (AER), chronic complications, and medication use. We primarily compared patients with a fully preserved kidney function (eGFR>90ml/min/1.73m(2) and …
Rationale and design of the DARWIN-T2D (DApagliflozin Real World evIdeNce in Type 2 Diabetes): A multicenter retrospective nationwide Italian study and crowdsourcing opportunity
Background Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) in the field of diabetes have limitations inherent to the fact that design, setting, and patient characteristics may be poorly transferrable to clinical practice. Thus, evidence from studies using routinely accumulated clinical data are increasingly valued. Aims We herein describe rationale and design of the DARWIN-T2D (DApagliflozin Real World evIdeNce in Type 2 Diabetes), a multicenter retrospective nationwide study conducted at 50 specialist outpatient clinics in Italy and promoted by the Italian Diabetes Society. Data synthesis The primary objective of the study is to describe the baseline clinical characteristics (particularly HbA1c) of pa…