R. Granese
Preterm birth: incidence, risk factors and second trimester cervical length in a single center population. A two-year retrospective study
To report the incidence and the major risk factors (RFs) associated with preterm birth (PTB), combining both maternal RFs and cervical length (CL), and to understand if cervical length measurement is really useful in all the patients.The study population consisted of 2048 women admitted to the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University Hospital of Messina, over a 2-year period. Preterm cases represented approximately 8.64% of our total population and, exactly, 65% were late preterm, 32% were preterm, and 3% were extremely preterm.An analysis of PTB sub-categories based on gestational age showed a stronger correlation between gestational age and CL among preterm and extremely preter…
A prospective randomized study comparing laparoscopic burch versus tvt. Short and long term follow-up.
Objective: To report short and long-terms results of a prospective randomized laparoscopic Burch vs TVT for the treatment of stress incontinence (GSI). Methods: Since January 1999 to January 2003 we performed 66 LB and 67 TVT. In the LB group the mean age was 51years ( range 38–65), mean body weight 73 Kg.(range 48–88), mean parity 2,5 (range 1–5), menopause 38 (57,5%), while in the TVT group the mean age was 53years (range 37–72), mean body weight 70Kg. (range 46–84), mean parity 2,3 (range 1–4), menopause 19 (28,3%). All pts. preoperativelly underwent a complete urogynaecological work-up . All the pts. showed S.U.I. mean grade II (according to Ingelman Sundeberg) and urethra hypermobile. …
Laparoscopic retropubic colposuspension for the treatment of genuine stress incontinence. long term follow up
Objectives: The minimal surgical treatment of stress urinary incontinence with endoscopic operation has four basic advantages compared with traditional open procedures: decreased blood loss due to better visualization of the space of Retzius, decreased postoperative pain, shorter hospitalization and faster recovery. Comparative studies have shown a higher subjective and objective cure rate for the retropubic urethropexy(Burch procedure) than for the anterior colporraphy or endoscopic needle urethropexy(1). The aim of this study is to evaluate the safety, the efficacy and morbility of laparoscopic Burch procedure for the surgical treatment of genuine stress incontinence. Methods: We reviewed…