Occurrence and concentration of PAHs in clams and sediments of the marine coastal lagoon of Ganzirri (Italy). Extraction, GC-MS analysis, distribution and sources
The distribution of selected Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in surface sediments and clams of marine coastal lagoons, called Ganzirri, located at the Sicilian coast of the, Messina's strait, has been investigated by GC/MS analysis with Selected Ion Monitoring (SIM) mode. The lagoon is characterized by abundant organic detritus, deriving from aquagenic and anthropogenic inputs. Anoxic/reduced conditions of sediments make them a preferential site for uptake and preservation of PAHs. From an eco-toxicological point of view, the aquatic ecosystem investigated appears to be moderately polluted. The investigations have been performed on the 16 PAHs recommended by US-EPA as priority pollu…