Ilze Laicane
Measuring the refractive state of an eye based on the intensity of the retinal reflex
AbstractWhen examining the fundus of the eye with an ophthalmoscope, the intensity of the retinal reflex depends on the refractive state of the eye. In this study, application of this phenomenon for measuring the refractive state of the eye is demonstrated. First, a calibration curve relating the intensity of the retinal reflex and the refractive state was obtained using a model eye. Next, the intensity of the retinal reflex was measured while subjects were viewing a checker-board pattern, the distance of which was varied within the range from 0.17 to 1 m. Further, the relation between the refractive state and the optical power of the stimulus could be determined based on the measured light…
Simple Configuration Effects on Eye Movements in Horizontal Scanning Tasks
When reading text, observers alternate periods of stable gaze (fixations) and shifts of gaze (saccades). An important debate in the literature concerns the processes that drive the control of these eye movements. Past studies using strings of letters rather than meaningful text ('z-reading') suggest that eye movement control during reading is, to a large extent, controlled by low-level image properties. These studies, however, have failed to take into account perceptual grouping processes that could drive these low-level effects. We here study the role of various grouping factors in horizontal scanning eye movements, and compare these to reading meaningful text. The results show that sequen…