The electron affinity of phosphorus
We have measured the energies of all three fine structure components in the 3PJ ground state of the negative ion of phosphorus using laser photodetachment threshold spectroscopy. The experiment yielded an electron affinity of 746.68(6) meV. The ΔJ = 2–0, 2–1 and 1–0 fine structure splittings were determined to be 32.73(7) meV, 22.48(7) meV and 10.25(3) meV, respectively. In the experiment, a mass selected beam of P− ions was merged with the output from a pulsed infrared optical parametric oscillator. The residual atoms produced in the photodetachment process were detected and used as a monitor of the photon-energy dependence of the relative cross section. The Wigner law was fitted to each o…