Anna Zuzana Dubnickova

One-photon decay of the tetraquark stateX(3872)→γ+J/ψin a relativistic constituent quark model with infrared confinement

We further explore the consequences of treating the $X(3872)$ meson as a tetraquark bound state by analyzing its one-photon decay $X\ensuremath{\rightarrow}\ensuremath{\gamma}+J/\ensuremath{\psi}$ in the framework of our approach developed in previous papers which incorporates quark confinement in an effective way. To introduce electromagnetism we gauge a nonlocal effective Lagrangian describing the interaction of the $X(3872)$ meson with its four constituent quarks by using the $P$-exponential path-independent formalism. We calculate the matrix element of the transition $X\ensuremath{\rightarrow}\ensuremath{\gamma}+J/\ensuremath{\psi}$ and prove its gauge invariance. We evaluate the $X\ens…

research product

Quark model description of the tetraquark stateX(3872)in a relativistic constituent quark model with infrared confinement

We explore the consequences of treating the $X(3872)$ meson as a tetraquark bound state. As dynamical framework we employ a relativistic constituent quark model which includes infrared confinement in an effective way. We calculate the decay widths of the observed channels $X\ensuremath{\rightarrow}J/\ensuremath{\psi}+2\ensuremath{\pi}(3\ensuremath{\pi})$ and $X\ensuremath{\rightarrow}{\overline{D}}^{0}+{D}^{0}+{\ensuremath{\pi}}^{0}$ via the intermediate off-shell states $X\ensuremath{\rightarrow}J/\ensuremath{\psi}+\ensuremath{\rho}(\ensuremath{\omega})$ and $X\ensuremath{\rightarrow}\overline{D}+{D}^{*}$. For reasonable values of the size parameter ${\ensuremath{\Lambda}}_{X}$ of the $X(3…

research product

Working group on hadron polarizabilities and form factors

research product