Elvira D’ippolito
Additional file 2: of The PDGFRβ/ERK1/2 pathway regulates CDCP1 expression in triple-negative breast cancer
Figure S2. PDGFR-BB stimulation upregulates CDCP1 in TNBC cells. Western blot analysis of CDCP1 and Vinculin expression in SUM-149 and BT549 cells upon PDGF-BB and ERKi treatment. (PDF 249 kb)
Additional file 1: of The PDGFRβ/ERK1/2 pathway regulates CDCP1 expression in triple-negative breast cancer
Figure S1. Gating strategy for CDCP1 flow cytometric analysis. Flow cytometric analysis of MDA-MB-231 cells starved in serum-free medium for 24 h and then treated for 48 h with FGF 50 ng/mL. (PDF 470 kb)