Diffusion and reactions of interstitial oxygen species in amorphous SiO2: A review
This article briefly summarizes the diffusion and reactions of interstitial oxygen species in amorphous SiO 2 (a-SiO 2 ). The most common form of interstitial oxygen species is oxygen molecule (O 2 ), which is sensitively detectable via its characteristic infrared photoluminescence (PL) at 1272 nm. The PL observation of interstitial 0 2 provides key data to verify various processes related to interstitial oxygen species: the dominant role of interstitial O 2 in long-range oxygen transport in a-SiO 2 ; formation of the Frenkel defect pair (Si-Si bond and interstitial oxygen atom, 0°) by dense electronic excitation; efficient photolysis of interstitial O 2 into O° with F 2 laser light (λ= 157…