C. Gentile

IL-1b induces DNA demethylation, at genome level and in specific CpG sites of IL-6 and IL-8 genes in human intestinal epithelial cells

Inflammation is a complex physiological response that requires the activity of a sophisticated regulatory network involving the activation of specific genes for defense, tissue repair and remodeling. Although transcriptional activation has been shown to be critical in the regulation of inflammatory genes (1) the role of epigenetic phenomena in the modulation of the inflammatory response is now emerging (2). Specifically, it has been recently reported that proinflammatory stimuli induce DNA demethylation in the interleukin IL-1 promoter of human articular chondrocytes (3). IL-1 cytokine, among several proinflammatory agents, represents an essential player in the inflammatory conditions of …

research product

A design for an electromagnetic filter for precision energy measurements at the tritium endpoint

We present a detailed description of the electromagnetic filter for the PTOLEMY project to directly detect the Cosmic Neutrino Background (CNB). Starting with an initial estimate for the orbital magnetic moment, the higher-order drift process of E×B is configured to balance the gradient-B drift motion of the electron in such a way as to guide the trajectory into the standing voltage potential along the mid-plane of the filter. As a function of drift distance along the length of the filter, the filter zooms in with exponentially increasing precision on the transverse velocity component of the electron kinetic energy. This yields a linear dimension for the total filter length that is exceptio…

research product

Protective role of the complement regulatory protein human CD-55 in cardiac xenograft: a descriptive study and a revision of the literature.

The limited and inadequate availability of organs from human donors has resulted in the utilisation of xenografts as an alternative tool. Nevertheless, hyperacute rejection (HAR) following xenograft determines the loss of the transplanted organ. The “primum movens” is the activation of the complement pathway mediated by the binding of natural xenogenic antibodies to the endothelium of the graft, followed by the lysis of the endothelial cells with subsequent oedema, thrombosis and necrosis of the transplanted organ. In this work we describe morphological and biomolecular observations of isolated human-decay accelerating factor (h-DAF, CD55) transgenic pig hearts, after perfusion for four hou…

research product

A photoelectrochemical study on anodic tantalum oxide films

Both anodic and cathodic photocurrents have been detected on tantalum oxide films depending on polarization. The optical band gap, E g opt , has been derived for anodic films grown in different conditions as well as for native oxides. Cathodic photocurrents at hv<E g opt have been attributed to electron injection at the metal/oxide interface. A change in the sign of the photocurrent with the wavelength of the incident light has been observed near to the flat band potential. The latter has been estimated from the fitting of the photocurrent vs potential curves

research product

Valutazione degli effetti antiossidanti del Resolvis OmegaTM in un modello di disfunzione corneale in vitro.

EPA (acido eicosapentaenoico) e DHA (acido decosaesaeoico) sono derivati metabolici degli AGE (acidi grassi essenziali) e in particolare dell'acido linolenico (omega-3)

research product

Photoelectrochemical study on anodic aluminum oxide films. Internal photoemission processes at the metal-oxide interface

A photoelectrochemical investigation has been carried out on aluminum oxide films grown anodically at constant rate up to different thicknesses. Depending on the potential both anodic and cathodic photocurrents were observed at photon energies well below the optical bandgap expected for these layers. This finding is explained with the presence of internal photoinjection processes both for electrons and holes from the base metal into the oxide film. The analysis of the photocurrent spectra has given the threshold energies for both processes. The effect of the image force at the metal/oxide interface has been taken into account in order to derive the mobility gap of the films and the energeti…

research product