Enrique Viosca
Allopurinol partially prevents disuse muscle atrophy in mice and humans
AbstractDisuse muscle wasting will likely affect everyone in his or her lifetime in response to pathologies such as joint immobilization, inactivity or bed rest. There are no good therapies to treat it. We previously found that allopurinol, a drug widely used to treat gout, protects muscle damage after exhaustive exercise and results in functional gains in old individuals. Thus, we decided to test its effect in the prevention of soleus muscle atrophy after two weeks of hindlimb unloading in mice, and lower leg immobilization following ankle sprain in humans (EudraCT: 2011-003541-17). Our results show that allopurinol partially protects against muscle atrophy in both mice and humans. The pro…
Alopurinol y su papel en el tratamiento de la sarcopenia
Resumen La xantina oxidasa (XO) es la enzima que cataliza la oxidacion de hipoxantina a xantina y de esta a acido urico, por lo que desempena un importante papel en el catabolismo de las purinas. El alopurinol, un analogo de las purinas, es un conocido inhibidor de la XO ampliamente utilizado en la practica clinica para el tratamiento de la gota. Estudios recientes indican que el alopurinol reduce el estres oxidativo y mejora la funcion vascular en diversas enfemedades cardiometabolicas, aumenta el tiempo de ejercicio en pacientes con angina de pecho y mejora la eficiencia de la contractilidad miocardica en la insuficiencia cardiaca. La XO tambien ejerce un papel importante en la generacion…
Functional Data Analysis for Gait Analysis after Stroke
Variability is one of the key determinants of gait after stroke. Functional Data Analysis (FDA) is a suitable tool to deal with variability associated with movement analysis patterns. In this contribution (FDA) has been applied for the analysis 53 post-stroke patients. Functional Principal Components Analysis (FPCA) has been applied. Dependence of velocity on the functional state of the patient has been found as well as other mechanisms that are hidden in conventional parametric analysis of the curves.