Maija Zaķe

Thermal Decomposition and Combustion of Microwave Pre-Treated Biomass Pellets

The objective of the study was to investigate a more effective use of commercially available biomass pellets (wheat straw, wood, peat) using microwave pretreatment to improve heat production. Pellets were pretreated using the originally designed microwave torrefaction device. The effects of microwave (mw) pretreatment were quantified, providing measurements of the weight loss and elemental composition of pellets and estimating the effect of mw pretreatment on their porosity, surface area and calorific values at pretreatment temperatures of T = 448–553 K. Obtained results show that the highest structural variations and elemental composition during mw pretreatment were obtained for wheat stra…

research product

Izvēlētu farmaceitiski aktīvo vielu kristālisko formu pētījumi

Bakalaura darba ietvaros tika veikti FAV kristālisko formu pētījumi ar pulvera rentgendifraktometrijas, diferenciāli termiskās analīzes, IS spektroskopijas, XRF spektrometrijas un Karla – Fišera titrēšanas metodēm. Tika veikti PASS Na sāls kristālisko formu fāžu pārejas pētījumi dažādos relatīvajos mitrumos, dažādās temperatūrās. Noskaidroti fāžu līdzsvaru relatīvie gaisa mitrumi starp bezūdens un dihidrāta formām 22ºC, 30ºC, 50°C un 70ºC temperatūrās. Tika atrasti un optimizēti etacizīna hidrogēnhlorīda, PASS Na sāls dihidrāta un PASS Na sāls bezūdens formas kristāliskā režģa parametri.

research product