T. Materna

Nuclear Spins and Magnetic Moments ofCu71,73,75: Inversion ofπ2p3/2andπ1f5/2Levels inCu75

We report the first confirmation of the predicted inversion between the pi2p3/2 and pi1f5/2 nuclear states in the nu(g)9/2 midshell. This was achieved at the ISOLDE facility, by using a combination of in-source laser spectroscopy and collinear laser spectroscopy on the ground states of 71,73,75Cu, which measured the nuclear spin and magnetic moments. The obtained values are mu(71Cu)=+2.2747(8)mu(N), mu(73Cu)=+1.7426(8)mu(N), and mu(75Cu)=+1.0062(13)mu(N) corresponding to spins I=3/2 for 71,73Cu and I=5/2 for 75Cu. The results are in fair agreement with large-scale shell-model calculations.

research product

Low-spin structure of85Se and theβnbranching of85As

Fission fragments from neutron-induced fission of ${}^{235}$U produced at the high-flux reactor of the Institut Laue-Langevin, Grenoble, were separated with the Lohengrin separator to provide a beam of neutron-rich ${}^{85}\phantom{\rule{-0.16em}{0ex}}$As nuclei. The ${\ensuremath{\beta}}^{\ensuremath{-}}$ decay of ${}^{85}\phantom{\rule{-0.16em}{0ex}}$As to ${}^{85}$Se was studied using $\ensuremath{\gamma}$-$\ensuremath{\gamma}$ and $\ensuremath{\beta}$-$\ensuremath{\gamma}$ coincidence techniques. ${}^{85}$Se was also studied using the prompt-$\ensuremath{\gamma}$ coincidence data from spontaneous fission of ${}^{248}$Cm and ${}^{252}$Cf measured with the Eurogam2 and Gammasphere Ge arra…

research product

Shape coexistence in the odd-odd nucleus 98Y : the role of the g9/2 neutron extruder

Excited states in 98Y, populated in neutron-induced fission of 235U and in spontaneous fission of 248Cm and 252Cf, have been studied by means of γ spectroscopy using the Lohengrin fission-fragment separator at ILL Grenoble and the EXILL, Eurogam2, and Gammasphere Ge arrays. Two new isomers have been found in 98Y: a deformed one with T1/2 = 180(7) ns and a rotational band on top of it, and a spherical one with T1/2 = 0.45(15)μs, analogous to the 8+ isomer in 96Y, corresponding to the (νg7/2,πg9/2)8+ spherical configuration. Using the JYFLTRAP Penning trap, an accurate excitation energy of 465.7(7) keV has been determined for the 2.36-s isomer in 98Y. This result and the studies of excited le…

research product

In-source laser spectroscopy of75,77,78Cu: Direct evidence for a change in the quasiparticle energy sequence in75,77Cu and an absence of longer-lived isomers in78Cu

This paper describes measurements on the isotopes (75,77,78)Cu by the technique of in-source laser spectroscopy, at the ISOLDE facility, CERN. The role of this technique is briefly discussed in the ...

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