Susanna Maisano

Biochar from byproduct to high value added material – A new adsorbent for toxic metal ions removal from aqueous solutions

Abstract An activated biochar coming from pyrolysis of dead Posidonia oceanica residues has been tested as adsorbent material for Cd2+, Pb2+ and Cu2+ ions. The biomass, the activated and the non activated biochars were previously characterized by using several instrumental techniques. The pH of metal ion solution in kinetic and thermodynamic adsorption experiments was fixed at 5 whilst, the dependence on ionic medium, ionic strength and temperature have been evaluated carrying out batch experiments at different experimental conditions. Differential Pulse Anodic Stripping Voltammetry and Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectroscopy have been used to measure the metal ion concentr…

research product

Hydrocarbons removal from synthetic bilge water by adsorption onto biochars of dead Posidonia oceanica.

AbstractBilge waters are wastewaters produced on boats during navigation and usually contain hydrocarbons and oils. They cannot be directly released into the sea if not below a hydrocarbons concentration limit set by current legislation. Appropriate oil in water separator (OWS) systems can be installed on board boats to remove hydrocarbons from bilge water allowing their spillage into the sea. These systems may contain an adsorption step on a suitable adsorbent. Here, biochars produced from pyrolysis of dead Posidonia oceanica, pristine or chemically activated, have been tested as hydrocarbons adsorbents. Adsorption experiments with aqueous dispersions simulating bilge waters containing a m…

research product