Heredity of interocular similarities in components of refraction: a population-based twin study among 66- to 79-year-old female twins.
Purpose: To examine genetic influences on interocular similarities in ocular refraction and components of refraction among elderly female twins. Methods: Refraction was assessed in 94 monozygotic (MZ) and 74 dizygotic (DZ) female twins aged 66–78 years. Absolute values of interocular differences (Aniso variables) in spherical refraction (SR), refractive astigmatism (AST), spherical equivalent (SE), corneal refractive power (CR), corneal astigmatism (CAST), anterior chamber depth (ACD) and axial length (AL) were calculated. The differences between sisters in each of the Aniso variables were calculated and graded into two categories, best differentiating the groups, here isometropic and aniso…