Paola Bracchi
Programs and goals
New Next Nature takes root in precise places and flourishes by exploiting the conditions of the “suspended” and “waiting” areas. OC OPEN CITY International Summer School has always had, since its first edition in 2010, a recognizable identity: to develop projects with global themes, experimenting and testing them locally, in the complementary landscapes that the particular urban and territorial condition of Piacenza gives us. The preparatory phase for OC2017 has further strengthened this double register by developing a rich and integrated background where the dense and stable parts of city is continuously compared with large areas (highlighted in yellow and black in the diagram alongside) a…
Editors' note
The book, aimed to give a point of view, collects both the answer given by the students and the theoretical thoughts of scientific directors, professors and tutors who have guided the students during the fifth edition of the OC Open City International Summer School of Piacenza: "Architecture for the Creative City".
Editors’ note
The editors would like to thank every professor, tutor and student participating in OC 2015. The sixth edition of the OC Open City International Summer School is in continuity with the work undertaken in the previous year, if in 2014 we looked at Expo 2015 from the point of view of the theme of the ‘pavilion’, in 2015 the intention was to get one hundred percent in the heart of the International Exhibition theme: The Nutrition. In order to guide the extended and complex theme of nutrition toward the architectural discipline the term Planet was replaced by Landscape. The concept of landscape (in the broad sense of the term) has recently experienced a theoretical and operational relocation of…
Kaira Looro. Architecture Competition. Sacred Architecture
Field of Confluences | Space of Convergences Four religions share one space characterized by pure geometry where beyond being a place of worship the integration and communion of different identities is facilitated. The designed space is the result of the composition of typological fragments from the four main religions: the space associated to Christian and Orthodox religions is characterized by the presence of the apse and the presbytery; the space of the Muslim religion is identified by the presence of the Mihrab while the space of the animist religion is not identified by any specific architectonical or typological element, but foresee spaces where is possible to place worship objects. P…
Oltre Bovisa. Paesaggi in movimento
Sintesi della Relazione di progetto: In coerenza con gli orientamenti del bando, tesi a definire “...un processo di intervento in grado di supportare, nel lungo periodo, tutte le operazioni necessarie al successo della trasformazione”, Il progetto assume come elementi centrali per l’impostazione dell’impianto: a. Le preesistenze storico-architettoniche-ambientali presenti nell’area; b. La presenza di spazi aperti significativi all’interno e nell’immediato intorno; c. La consistenza degli apparati infrastrutturali a differenti scale di intervento. OBIETTIVI: • 1.Ritornare al luogo : Persistenze e variazioni • 2. Definire il nuovo landscape unitario: Locale e globale • 3.Conferire qualità for…