Beta decay energies and nuclear masses of148Ba,148La and151Pr
Theβ-decay energy of the neutron-rich isotopes148Ba,148La and151Pr has been measured at the Institute Laue-Langevin (ILL). The148Ba- and148La-nuclei were produced using a high-temperature ion source at the OSTIS separator of this institute, whereas samples of151Pr were obtained from the thermal fission of239Pu, used as a target in the mass separator LOHENGRIN. At both instruments,βγ-coincidences were measured with a plastic scintillator telescope and a Ge(I)-detector, together withβ-singles andγ-singles spectra. Theβ-spectra emitted in coincidence with 44γ-lines in the decay of these nuclei have been evaluated. From their endpoint energies, the followingQβ-values have been obtained:Qβ(148Ba…