<title>Sub-bandgap light hologram recording in amorphous chalcogenides</title>
Sub-bandgap light recording (SBLR) of holograms is studied basing on the experiments in a-As2S3 films and literature data. Holographic grating recording with focused (light intensity I = 14 - 124 W/cm2 ) and unfocused (I = 0.50 - 0.78 W/cm2) 632.8 nm He-Ne laser sub-bandgap light in non-annealed and annealed a-As2S3 films has been experimentally studied. The focused light recording is found to be much more efficient (diffraction efficiency up to 14.9%, specific recording energy down to 216 J/(cm2%)) than the unfocused light recording (0.11%, 72400 J/(cm2%)). Some other properties are also different. The focused light recording is explained by the photothermally stimulated relaxational struc…