N. Solé De Porta
Caracterización y datación de una unidad carbonática de edad noriense (fm zamoranos) en el trías de la zona subbética
Ana.Marquez@uv.es; leopoldo.marquez@uv.es Dentro del Trias de facies germánica que aflora en la Zona Subbética de la Cordillera Bética, denominado Trias Sudibérico, se estudia una unidad carbonática de edad Noriense que hasta ahora había sido considerada como perteneciente a las facies Muschelkalk y de edad Ladiniense. Esta Unidad, que se define de manera formal en este trabajo como Formación Zamoranos, está constituída por tres miembros diferentes que de abajo a arriba son: Miembro Calizas carniolares (0,25 a 1,75 m de espesor), Miembro Detrítico ferruginoso (1 m de potencia media), Miembro Calizas y Dolomías laminadas (20 a 40 m de potencia). El Miembro Detrítico ferruginoso es el más dis…
Bioestratigrafía del Triásico de la zona Subbética (Cordillera Bética).
Theree differents lithology can be differenciated basically in t he Triassic of the central sector of Betic: carbona tes (facies Muschelk alk), terrigenou s (facies Keuper) and evaporites (facies Keuper). The study of several ou t crops in this area allow to know better the paleoecologica ls aspects of Triassic, and to review the stratigraphic paleontology. In the carbonate section fosiil record is formed by molluscs and branchiopods. The occurrence of Costatoria goldfussi and Enantiostreon jlabellum permit us to date the studied series as middle-upper Ladinian in the wes tern sector of the Sephardic Province. In general, fossil record is very poor and preservat ion is very bad. The most…
Seven superimposed lithostratigraphic units have been distinguished in the Upper Trias of Los Pastores (Algeciras). The four lower units (1 to 4) show clayey-sandy-evaporitic Keuper facies. Pollen associations obtained from dark pelitic levels, and bivalves sampled from carbonate intercalations within these four lower units allow to date them as Carnian. These lower units can be correlated with the K1 to K3 units of the Keuper of the Subbetic and of other regions of the Iberian Peninsula. Concerning the three higher units, the unit 6 is pelitic-carbonatic and evaporitic and it also bears Carnian pollen associations. The units 5 and 7, however, are carbonatic and show clearly marine facies a…