Montserrat Vendrell
Eventos cardiovasculares tempranos y tardíos en pacientes ingresados por neumonía adquirida en la comunidad
Resumen Introduccion La neumonia adquirida en la comunidad se asocia al desarrollo de eventos cardiovasculares (ECV). El objetivo del estudio fue analizar los factores relativos al huesped, la gravedad y la etiologia que se asocian con la aparicion de estos eventos, tempranos y tardios, y su impacto en la mortalidad. Metodo Estudio prospectivo de cohortes multicentrico en pacientes ingresados por neumonia. Se recogieron ECV durante el ingreso, a los 30 dias (tempranos) y al ano (tardios) y la mortalidad. Resultados Doscientos dos de 1.967 (10,42%) pacientes presentaron ECV tempranos y 122 (6,64%) tardios. El 16% de la mortalidad al ano se atribuyo a complicaciones cardiovasculares. Los fact…
Primary ciliary dyskinesia in adults with bronchiectasis: Data from the Embarc registry
Introduction: Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is an inherited cause of bronchiectasis where defects in motile cilia result in failure to clear mucus. Individuals have life-long productive cough and recurrent infections Methods: The embarc registry is a prospective pan-European observational study of adults with bronchiectasis. Data entered into the registry between March 2015 and Jan 2018 was assessed. Disease severity in PCD was compared to two age and gender matched cohorts, the first consisting of individuals with immune deficiency and a second with idiopathic disease. Results: 287/11204 individuals (2.6%) were reported to have PCD. 65% were female, reflecting the female predominance in…
Diagnosis and treatment of bronchiectasis
Bronchiectasis is the end result of several different diseases that share principles of management. The clinical course usually involves chronic bronchial infection and inflammation, which are associated with progression. The cause of bronchiectasis should always be investigated, particularly when it can be treated. We recommend evaluating etiology, symptoms, bronchial colonization and infection, respiratory function, inflammation, structural damage, nutritional status, and quality of life in order to assess severity and to monitor clinical course. Care should be supervised by specialized units, at least when there is a history of chronic bronchial infection, recurrent exacerbations, or a c…
Early and late cardiovascular events in patients hospitalized for community-acquired pneumonia
Abstract Introduction Community-acquired pneumonia increases the risk of cardiovascular events (CVE). The objective of this study was to analyze host, severity, and etiology factors associated with the appearance of early and late events and their impact on mortality. Method Prospective multicenter cohort study in patients hospitalized for pneumonia. CVE and mortality rates were collected at admission, 30-day follow-up (early events), and one-year follow-up (late events). Results In total, 202 of 1967 (10.42%) patients presented early CVE and 122 (6.64%) late events; 16% of 1-year mortality was attributed to cardiovascular disease. The host risk factors related to cardiovascular complicatio…
Diagnóstico y tratamiento de las bronquiectasias
Bronchiectasis is the end result of several different diseases that share principles of management. The clinical course usually involves chronic bronchial infection and inflammation, which are associated with progression. The cause of bronchiectasis should always be investigated, particularly when it can be treated. We recommend evaluating etiology, symptoms, bronchial colonization and infection, respiratory function, inflammation, structural damage, nutritional status, and quality of life in order to assess severity and to monitor clinical course. Care should be supervised by specialized units, at least in cases of chronic bronchial infection, recurrent exacerbations, or when there is a ca…
Immunofluorescence Analysis as a Diagnostic Tool in a Spanish Cohort of Patients with Suspected Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia
Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is an autosomal recessive rare disease caused by an alteration of ciliary structure. Immunofluorescence, consisting in the detection of the presence and distribution of cilia proteins in human respiratory cells by fluorescence, has been recently proposed as a technique to improve understanding of disease-causing genes and diagnosis rate in PCD. The objective of this study is to determine the accuracy of a panel of four fluorescently labeled antibodies (DNAH5, DNALI1, GAS8 and RSPH4A or RSPH9) as a PCD diagnostic tool in the absence of transmission electron microscopy analysis. The panel was tested in nasal brushing samples of 74 patients with clinical suspic…