Jutta Pulkki


Experiences of people with memory disorders and their spouse carers on influencing formal care: “They ask my wife questions that they should ask me”

Background People with memory disorders often need care and help from family carers and health and social care providers. Due to the deterioration of cognitive capacity and language skills, they may be unable to convey their thoughts and care preferences to other people. As a result, their agency may become restricted. We investigated the descriptions provided by people with memory disorders and spousal carers of their influence on care in encounters with formal care providers. Methods Qualitative thematic analysis was used to identify, analyze, and report themes that describe encounters with professionals in different social or healthcare environments. In-depth interview data were gathered…

research product

Multiple job holding, societal change, and individual careers: Contributions to the chaos theory of careers

The chaos theory of careers was applied to identify the connections between multiple jobholders’ careers and societal change. Multiple job holding is a form of employment that consists of two or more overlapping jobs. Six interviews with men born in the 1960s in Finnish North Karelia, whose multiple job holding included agricultural and forestry work, were analyzed. Our results showed that multiple job holding career development has societal connections and that the experiences of multiple job holding varied across individuals. Moreover, multiple job holding experiences and further career development endeavors were influenced by whether the multiple job holding career developed in line wit…

research product

Health system reforms and the needs of the ageing population : an analysis of recent policy paths and reform trends in Finland and Sweden

AbstractPopulation ageing with an increasing number of people experiencing complex health and social care needs challenges health systems. We explore whether andhow health system reforms and policy measures adopted during the past two decades in Finland and Sweden reflect and address the needs of the older people. We discuss health system characteristics that are important to meet the care needs of older people and analyse how health policy agendas have highlighted these aspects in Finland and Sweden. The analysis is based on “most similar cases”. The two countries have rather similar health systems and are facing similar challenges. However, the policy paths to address these challenges are…

research product

Työura : yksilön valintoja vai monimutkaista kehkeytymistä?

Artikkelissa tutkimme työurien kaaosteorian potentiaalia yhä moninaisemmiksi muuttuvien työuri-en ymmärtämisessä sekä työurien ja koetun terveyden välisten kytkösten hahmottamisessa. Kaaos-teoria tuo esiin työurien erilaiset muodot ja niitä värittävät monenlaiset epävarmuudet, satunnaisuu-det ja siirtymät. Aineistomme muodostuu kahdestatoista pohjoiskarjalalaisen miehen haastattelusta. Löysimme aineistosta kaikki teoriassa esitetyt neljä työuramuotoa, mutta ne limittyivät ja muoto saattoi myös vaihtua. Havaitsimme terveydentilan kytkeytyvän monisuuntaisesti työuran rakentumi-seen, ja taloudellisten kysymysten välittävän kytköksiä. Esitämmekin, että yksilön vapaata valintaa ja lineaarista ty…

research product