Jacobo Diaz-polo
Black hole entropy in loop quantum gravity
4 pags., 2 figs. -- Loops 11: Non-Perturbative / Background Independent Quantum Gravity 23–28 May 2011, Madrid, Spain
The combinatorics of the SU(2) black hole entropy in loop quantum gravity
We use the combinatorial and number-theoretical methods developed in previous work by the authors to study black hole entropy in the new proposal put forward by Engle, Noui and Perez. Specifically we give the generating functions relevant for the computation of the entropy and use them to derive its asymptotic behavior including the value of the Immirzi parameter and the coefficient of the logarithmic correction.
Black hole radiation spectrum in LQG: Isolated Horizon framework
Recent detailed analysis within the Loop Quantum Gravity calculation of black hole entropy shows a stair-like structure in the behavior of entropy as a function of horizon area. The non-trivial distribution of the degeneracy of the black hole horizon area eigenstates is at the origin of this behavior. This degeneracy distribution is analyzed and a phenomenological model is put forward to study the implications of this distribution in the black hole radiation spectrum. Some qualitative quantum effects are obtained within the isolated horizon framework. This result provides us with a possible observational test of this model for quantum black holes.