Olivier Zekri
L’holobionte vigne, un levier biologique pour lutter contre les dépérissements ?
National audience
L’holobionte « vigne » face au dépérissement ou quand le « vivre ensemble » n’est plus à l’équilibre
Prod 2019-165 SPE EA IPM BIOmE GenoSol INRA UB; National audience
The holobiont, a biological lever to manage some declines of grapevine
International audience; The concept of a multicellular organism to describe complex organisms composed of groups of analogous cells called tissues and organs with specific functions, shows currently some limitations. An organism such as a plant does not live alone, but closely associated with different microbial communities making up its microbiomes. The microbiomes, specific to a tissue, interact with the plant and modulate some of its functions, including physiology and immunity. The host and the associated microbiomes define a holobiont, whose function is influenced by the spatio-temporal dynamics of their interactions. Thus, a dysfunction of the grapevine holobiont (linked for example t…