Thierry Dechezleprêtre
Boviolles-Nasium: des outils et fabricats à l’identification des productions
International audience
L’oppidum de Nasium (Meuse) : fonctions des aménagements extra muros et évolution des fortifications
This presentation presents the extramural structures recognized on the slopes of the oppidum. Located exclusively under forest cover, theseelements are generally in the form of scree or digging installed on the flanks of the oppidum. The challenge is to understand how these objectsfit into the fortified site and how they contribute to the understanding of the whole. These structures also lead to questioning the dynamics ofsetting up the fortified space of the Nasium oppidum.
L'oppidum de Nasium à Boviolles (Meuse) : état des recherches actuelles
Since 1998, the enclosure of Châtel at Boviolles is the subject of a research program aiming ta the study of the space organization and the chronology of this important oppidum established in leuque territory. Its surface, more than 60 hectares, and the importance of the discoveries carried out since the 19th century, required the installation of various methods of archaeological investigation: air prospections, archaeological prospections, geophysical prospections and excavations.