P. Rosado
General and flexible methodology and architecture for CAPP: GF-CAPP system
Although all researchers insist on the need to develop computer-aided process planning (CAPP) systems, they agree that one of its most significant shortfalls is the low level of generality and flexibility present in current proposals. One of the outcomes of this low level of generality--apart from its limited application domain--is the low level of integration achieved with CAD, CAM and PP&C systems. To ensure optimized running of the production system, it is also important to stress the need to develop alternative process planning that enables it to adapt to disruptions in production. Several factors play an important role in implementing these features, among which the following may be hi…
General information model for representing machining features in CAPP systems
Today, the generality of computer-aided process planning (CAPP) systems and their standardization do not achieve satisfactory standards levels for industry. One of the major causes here is the difficulty of integration with computer-aided design applications, due mainly to the product model used. It is therefore necessary to identify models that are general with regard to the products, but at the same time suitable for CAPP. A product model suitable for CAPP must represent the product conceptually, enabling the development of process planning functions that operate with manufacturing concepts. It is therefore necessary to develop product information models using this philosophy. The present…