Gheorghe Aldica
Analysis of magnetization relaxation in MgB2 bulk samples obtained by electric-field assisted sintering
Abstract The relaxation of the irreversible magnetization of MgB2 bulk samples obtained by electric-field assisted sintering was investigated using the SQUID magnetometry for a magnetic field H up to 50 kOe applied in zero-field-cooling conditions. We observed a crossover plastic creep at high temperatures T-elastic creep at low T, described by H ∝ T−2 in the low T range, which appears to be caused by the macroscopic currents induced in the sample during magnetization measurements. By decreasing T below this line the determined creep exponent rapidly overcomes the widely accepted theoretical values for elastic (collective) pinning. This behaviour can easily be explained through the occurren…
Improvement of the critical current density of spark plasma sintered MgB2by C60addition
We investigated the influence of fullerene (C60) addition on the superconducting parameters of MgB2 bulk samples obtained by spark plasma sintering (SPS). It was found that 1.5?wt% C60 addition leads to the reduction of the critical temperature by a few K, whereas the magnetically determined critical current density increases by approximately one order of magnitude in an applied magnetic field H = 70?kOe at temperature T = 10?K. This indicates substitution of B by C in C60 added MgB2 processed by SPS, contrary to some data reported in the literature obtained using conventional methods. For our relatively large specimens, the occurrence of macroscale flux jumps was observed over a wide (H, T…