R.a. Eramzhyan
The axial isoscalar neutral current from inelastic electron-nuclear scattering
Abstract Parity violating effects due to neutral currents in isoscalar 0+→1+ nuclear transitions induced by electron scattering are enhanced owing to the small isoscalar magnetic dipole strength. A polarization asymmetry of the order 10−4 is expected at q ∼ 100 MeV for the 12C transition to the 1+(T = 0) state at 12.71 MeV. It would allow to single out the (electron vector current) × (hardonic axial isoscalar current) quantum numbers and couplings of the neutral current interaction.
T- and P-asymmetries in the (γ, π−) reaction on 13C and 15N
Abstract A simultaneous theoretical analysis of the polarization observables for negative pion photoproduction off the 13 C and 15 N nuclei is performed. A sensitivity of the target and recoil asymmetries to different ingredients of the theory (the Fermi motion, the final state interaction and the nuclear model input) is investigated. The importance of the high (2 hω ) configurations in the nuclea ground states is shown.