Thomas Mattar
Inhibition of the epidermal growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase activity by leflunomide.
AbstractThe active metabolite of leflunomide, A77 1726 inhibits the proliferation of a variety of mammalian cell lines in culture. Epidermal growth factor (EGF)-dependent proliferation is inhibited by A77 1726 at an effective dose of 30–40 μM. A77 1726 appears to directly inhibit the EGF receptor tyrosine-specific kinase activity both in intact cells and purified EGF receptors at the same effective dose. These data suggest that leflunomide inhibits cellular proliferation by the inhibition of tyrosine-specific kinase activities.
Effects of leflunomide on immune responses and models of inflammation.
Leflunomide is an antiphlogistic and immunomodulating agent that has been shown to be effective in preventing and healing autoimmune disorders and reactions leading to organ graft rejection. From our preliminary clinical data [4], we now have hopes that these effects, observed in experimental animals, can truly be transferred to humans. Although we are far from understanding the mode of action of leflunomide, we are slowly gathering some insight. A good many of the immunosuppressive effects of leflunomide can be attributed to the antagonistic effects it has on responses to many cytokines, most likely through receptor expression and signal transduction (tyrosine kinase inhibition). The inhib…