G. Nieto Feliner
Nuclear ribosomal DNA (nrDNA) concerted evolution in natural and artificial hybrids of Armeria (Plumbaginaceae)
Nuclear ribosomal DNA (nrDNA) internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences from artificial hybrids and backcrosses between Armeria villosa ssp. longiaristata and A. colorata were studied to assess the possible effects of concerted evolution in natural hybrids. F1 artificial hybrids show the expected pattern of additive polymorphisms for five of the six variable sites as estimated from direct sequences. However, homogenization of polymorphism is already observed in the F2, and is biased towards A. colorata except for one site. In backcrosses, an expected tendency towards homogenization of polymorphic sites in the direction of the recurrent parent is observed for five sites, although this does…
Is homoploid hybrid speciation that rare? An empiricist’s view
Is homoploid hybrid speciation that rare? An empiricist’s view
Dissimilar molecular and morphological patterns in an introgressed peripheral population of a sand dune species ( Armeria pungens , Plumbaginaceae)
Introgression is a poorly understood evolutionary outcome of hybridisation because it may remain largely undetected whenever it involves the transfer of small parts of the genome from one species to another. Aiming to understand the early stages of this process, a putative case from the southernmost border of the Armeria pungens range from its congener A. macrophylla is revisited following the discovery of a subpopulation that does not show phenotypic signs of introgression and resembles typical A. pungens. We analysed morphometrics, nuclear ribosomal DNA ITS and plastid DNA (trnL‐trnF) sequences, genome size, 45S and 5S rDNA loci‐FISH data and nrDNA IGS sequences. Within the study site, mo…