Ole Reidar Holm

Information Security Practices in Organizations: A Literature Review on Challenges and Related Measures

This paper reports a systematic literature review that explores challenges related to information security practices in organizations and the ways these challenges are managed to avoid security breaches. We focused on empirical evidence from extant research studies and identified four general challenges re-lated to: (1) security rules and procedures, (2) individual and personal risks, (3) culture and security awareness, and (4) organizational and power relations. To manage these risks, nine measures were prominent in the selected studies. Training and organizational collaboration across the hierarchical levels were widely used to enhance the security culture. In addition, awareness campaign…

research product

Employee Information Security Practices: A Framework and Research Agenda

Author's accepted manuscript Employee information security practices are pivotal to prevent, detect, and respond to security incidents. This paper synthesizes insights from research on challenges related to employee information security practices and measures to address them. The challenges identified are associated to idiosyncratic aspects of communities and individuals within organizations (culture and personal characteristics) and to systemic aspects of organizations (procedural and structural arrangements). The measures identified aim to enhance systemic capabilities and to adapt security mechanisms to the idiosyncratic characteristics and are categorized as: (a) measures of training an…

research product

Hvilke faktorer kan forklare ansattes bruk av sikkerhetstiltak på mobile enheternår de er ute på farten?

Masteroppgave informasjonssystemer IS501 - Universitetet i Agder 2018 Kontekst:Brukeren er ofte omtalt som den største trusselen motinformasjonssikkerhet i virksomheter. I dag bruker de flesteen eller fleremobile enheter på jobben. Sammen med mobile enheter kommer også nye farer knyttet til informasjonssikkerhet,ogdet er derfor svært viktig at ansatte bruker anbefalte sikkerhetstiltaknår de erpå jobben, men også utenfor virksomheten.Målet med studien er å analyserehvilkefaktorersomkan forklare bruk av sikkerhetstiltakpå mobile enheterutenfor organisatoriske rammer («ute på farten»). Målsetting:Denne avhandlingen rapporterer resultaterfra en studie der det er brukt elementer fra kjenteatferd…

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