M. Bruccoleri
Shared Leadership Regulates Operational Team Performance in the Presence of Extreme Decisional Consensus/Conflict: Evidences from Business Process Reengineering
This study focuses on decision-making within operational teams. Grounding our argumentation on group decision-making literature, we argue that adverse behavior patterns may affect the way in which consensus is achieved within the team, and that team performance has an inverted U-shaped relationship with the level of consensus. Then, by relying on leadership literature, we pose the hypothesis that the level of shared leadership inside the group moderates this U-shaped relationship. To empirically test our literature-based argumentation, we use longitudinal data collected in the years 2014 and 2015 from business process reengineering projects, each lasting three months, conducted by 141 maste…
Introducing “healthcare resilience” in clinical risk management
This paper reports the results of an explorative case study in an Italian hospital and presents a conceptual framework for healthcare resilience, which clarifies why and how healthcare structures need to be resilient in order to fully deal with clinical risk. In other words, it is not sufficient to take the “path to zero harm”. Healthcare companies have also to pursue strategies for maximizing the organizational resilience, in terms of resistance, reliability, redundancy and flexibility. This is quite important because, no matter which CRM technique and/or best practice is adopted, sometime adverse events occur. And, in this case, being resilient can help in dampening their negative consequ…
Guest editorial
The 21st International EurOMA (EurOMA, 2014) Conference was hosted by Università degli Studi di Palermo. The conference theme was Operations Management in an Innovation Economy. According to innovation economists what primarily drives economic growth in today’s knowledge-based economy is not capital accumulation but innovative capacity spurred by appropriable knowledge and technological externalities. Economics growth in innovation economics is the end- product of knowledge, R&D expenditures, licenses, technological spillovers, and externalities between collaborative firms, i.e. supply chains and networks of innovation. When firms do not explicitly acknowledge and manage their operations as…