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Iron-dependent erythropoiesis in women with excessive menstrual blood losses and women with normal menses
In women of fertile age, iron loss consequent to excessive menstrual discharge is by far the most frequent cause of iron-deficient anemia. However, the relationship between menstrual discharge and iron loss is poorly understood. In this prospective study, total menstrual and iron losses were assayed in a large cohort of non-anemic women and women with excessive menstrual blood losses (menorrhagia) in order to provide data useful for intervention. One hundred and five Caucasian women aged 20–45 years were recruited. Blood cell count and serum ferritin (SF) levels were determined in each case before menses. Menstrual fluid losses (MFL) were determined using a standardized pads’ weight method.…
Proposal and validation of a novel quantitative approach (QUEM) for the evaluation of menstrual blood losses. Preliminary implementation for the management of menorrhagia in congenital bleeding disorders.
Menorrhagiaisaveryprevalentbleedingsymptomincongenitalbleedingdisorders(from60to100%)and in patients on OralAnticoagulants(OA),but no prospective studies are available. We here describe the validation of a new and simple method for determination of menstrual blòood losses