W. Reinhardt
Der Mont Lassois - ein frühkeltischer Fürstensitz im Burgund.
Catalogue de l'exposition : In: Die Weltder Kelten. Zentren der Macht-Kostbarkeiten der Kunst, Stuttgart, 15 sept. 2012 - 17 févr. 2013, Jan Thorbecke Verlag
The Randomized Shortened Dental Arch Study
The scientific evidence concerning prosthodontic care for the shortened dental arch (SDA) is sparse. This randomized multicenter study aimed to compare two common treatment options: removable partial dental prostheses (RPDPs) for molar replacement vs. no replacement (SDA). One of the hypotheses was that the follow-up treatment differs between patients with RPDPs and patients with SDAs during the 5-year follow-up period. Two hundred and fifteen patients with complete molar loss in one jaw were included in the study. Molars were either replaced by RPDPs or not replaced according to the SDA concept. A mean number of 4.2 (RPDP) and 2.8 (SDA) treatments for biological or technical reasons occur…