T. J. Broadhurst
Near-IR Galaxy Counts and Evolution from the Wide-Field ALHAMBRA survey
Quasi-stellar objects in the ALHAMBRA survey
[Context]: Even the spectroscopic capabilities of today's ground and space-based observatories can not keep up with the enormous flow of detections (>10 5 deg -2) unveiled in modern cosmological surveys as: i) would be required enormous telescope time to perform the spectroscopic follow-ups and ii) spectra remain unattainable for the fainter detected population. In the past decade, the typical accuracy of photometric redshift (photo-z) determination has drastically improved. Nowdays, it has become a perfect complement to spectroscopy, closing the gap between photometric surveys and their spectroscopic follow-ups. The photo-z precision for active galactic nuclei (AGN) has always lagged behin…