G. Della Valle
Preliminary analysis of mastication dynamics and fragmentation during chewing of brittle cereal foods
We studied the masticatory behaviour of five commercial brittle cereal foods, with different formulations, shapes and mechanical properties, chewed by an individual. The investigation of oral behaviour consisted in a simultaneous recording of jaw kinematics and muscle activity by electromyography (EMG) and we also determined the food size distribution at the swallowing point by image analysis. Similar behaviour was found for the evolution of all criteria, and especially the predominance of compression, which could be attributed to the brittle behaviour of the foods. The amplitude of the jaw motion decreased with the number of chewing cycles, or sequence duration, whereas the maximum mastica…
Artificial Oral Processing of Extruded Pea Flour Snacks
International audience; The structure of extruded pea flour can affect chewing performances. Our objective was to relate the bolus properties (fragmentation, moisture content and viscosity) of chewed extruded pea snacks to their structure. In order to have control over oral physiological parameters, we opted for an in vitro approach using a chewing simulator, the variables of which were the flow rate of artificial salivary fluid and chewing time. The structure of the extruded pea snacks was characterized by its density and protein solubility in dithioerythritol (DTE), which reflected the amount of protein aggregates cross-linked by disulphide bonds. The particle size distribution and median…
The role of mechanical properties of brittle airy foods on the masticatory performance
This work investigates the mastication of two samples of typical cereal food products previously characterised by different sensory, textural and mechanical properties, by two complementary approaches. Electromyographic records and image analysis of chewed food particles first confirm the importance of the brittle behaviour of the products on human mastication. For both products, the fragmentation is followed by a significant agglomeration after less than 10 chewing cycles, both phenomena being correlated to the force magnitude and its evolution. Then, artificial mastication is undertaken to shed more light on the capability of the chewing simulator to discriminate both products under dry m…