Laura Mugnai
First Report of Diaporthe eres Associated with Cane Blight of Grapevine (Vitis vinifera) in Italy
In March 2014, in a ‘Trebbiano’ vineyard in the province of Florence (Tuscany, Italy), 15% of the grapevines (Vitis vinifera L.) showed 1-year old canes with bleached areas, sometimes surrounded by dark margins, irregular dark blotches, and several dead buds. Canes were covered by black pycnidia, and occasionally cracks on the cortex were evident. Woody tissues under the bark were necrotic and canes broke easily. Fifteen symptomatic canes were collected from different vines and cane segments of 20 cm length were placed in a moist chamber and incubated at 25°C. After 72 h, a cream-white cirri mass of conidia was observed from pycnidia and it was plated onto potato dextrose agar (PDA) plates.…
Chemical and spectroscopic characteristics of the wood of Vitis vinifera cv. Sangiovese affected by esca disease.
Chemical and spectroscopic analyses ((13)C cross-polarization-magic angle spinning NMR and attenuated total reflection Fourier transform infrared spectroscopies) were carried out on the wood of Vitis vinifera cv. Sangiovese with brown-red discoloration and black streaks caused by esca disease. The analyses of the brown-red wood revealed the destruction of hemicelluloses and noncrystalline cellulose as well as modifications in the pectic and ligninic wood fractions. The pectic fraction consisted of carbohydrates associated with polyphenols. The lignin fraction exhibited only a few changes in the aromatic systems and a partial demethylation, and it appeared to be associated with condensed phe…
Grapevine decline in Italy caused by Lasiodiplodia theobromae
The first report of a dieback of grapevine caused by Lasiodiplodia theobromae in Sicily (Italy) is given. About twelve per cent of the vines in the cv. Insolia vineyard surveyed, showed spur dieback, retarded growth and wood necrosis. Isolation trials and pathogenicity tests are briefl y reported, together with morphological, cultural and molecular characters on which identification was based.