Microdialysis-Assessed Exercised Muscle Reveals Localized and Differential IGFBP Responses to Unilateral Stretch Shortening Cycle Exercise
Microdialysis allows for a preview into local muscle metabolism and can provide physiological insight that blood measurements cannot. Purpose: To examine the potential differential IGF-I system regulation in interstitial fluid during unilateral stretch shortening cycle exercise. Methods: 10 men (26 ± 7 year) performed unilateral jumping [stretch shortening cycle (SSC) exercise at 50% of optimal jump height] until volitional fatigue on a sled apparatus. Biological sampling took place using a catheter inserted into an antecubital vein (serum), and 100 kDa microdialysis probes inserted into the thigh muscle of each exercise/control leg (dialysate). Serum was drawn before (Pre; −3 h) and after …